Thursday, March 6, 2008


Jess and I have two boys, Sam (4) and Luke (2), who are—how should I say this nicely—a handful. They are also pretty darn fun to be around. We currently reside in greater Maryland Suburbia (more specifically, the urban sprawl of Silver Spring) about 6 miles from Washington, DC and about twice that from anything worth visiting in the city. We’ll have been in the area 4 years in August. I’ve been working as a financial analyst at the Federal Reserve Board for almost 3 years while I pursue (yet another) degree in economics during the evenings. It’s a strange balance. I’m sure we’re all coping to some degree with the challenge of balancing the many other facets of life. We’re happy and very much enjoy the area.

Andrew Willis

1 comment:

Sarah Palfreyman said...

The email I sent back to you I forgot to have you tell Jess "Hi" for me. Go Tribe.